2015.03.26 UP
介護の現場から vol.29
道上 周太さん
社会福祉法人佛子園 地域コミュニティセンター・福祉拠点 三草二木 西圓寺 介護スタッフ
吉田 善久さん
社会福祉法人佛子園 地域コミュニティセンター・福祉拠点 三草二木 西圓寺 利用者

Take care when taking a long bath
For 3 years now, Yoshihisa has attended a day service (at-home nursing from visiting nurses) in Saienji. He is an active farmer and delivers seasonal produce such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, watermelons and so on to Saienji. He often visits the facility because “chatting with everyone, eating delicious food and bathing in the hot spring is awesome!” When joined by Shuta, who has recently taken up farming, in the open-air bath once a week, the pride of Saienji, his lecture tends to open with words of “If you want to make good soil…” which makes a long bath inevitable.
【文: 高山淳 写真: 中村泰介】