2015.05.28 UP
介護の現場から vol.30
小池 裕子さん
アイ・ウィッシュ株式会社 デイサービス/デイプレイス オリジン 介護スタッフ
清水 タミさん
アイ・ウィッシュ株式会社 デイサービス/デイプレイス オリジン 利用者

A second grandmother
The month after the eldest daughter Hinata-chan was born, Yuko started the Ai Service business with her husband. For Yuko, who was worried about taking her child to work with her, Tami is a treasured ‘second grandmother’. Deftly holding Hinata-chan and taking her for walks, washing rice, laundry and washing dishes are just some of the ways Tami helps. Even if she forgets facility events or the days to attend the facility, she always remembers ‘Hina-chaaan’ and Hinata herself.
【文: 高山淳 写真: 中村泰介】