2015.08.31 UP
介護の現場から vol.33
藤巻 めい菜さん
社会福祉法人喜寿福祉会 特別養護老人ホーム グリーンライフ湘南 ケアワーカー
大石 菊枝さん
社会福祉法人喜寿福祉会 特別養護老人ホーム グリーンライフ湘南 入居者

The war memories of a centenarian
Kikue-san, who was born in 1915. As August approached, she started tearfully discussing the hard memories of war with Meina-san. “I went as far as Sakuragicho station in Yokohama to see off the men bound for war. Despite their valiant words, ‘See you later’, we all knew there would be no homecoming. It was too bitter to cry about.” Every moment of the conversation was treasured, bartering with kimonos and vegetables, talk of air-raid shelters. Meina-san, who believes their limited time together should be cherished.
【文: 高山淳 写真: 中村泰介】