2014.07.22 UP
介護の現場から vol.23
田中 秀明さん
社会福祉法人福祉楽団 多古新町ハウス 生活支援課 課長
渡邉 秀人さん
社会福祉法人福祉楽団 多古新町ハウス 利用者

Partners targeting the world
After suffering a traffic accident as a high school student, Mr. Watanabe became wheelchair-bound. Nevertheless he said “I want to enjoy dressing up, get a girlfriend, get married and bring up children as normal”. Mr. Tanaka, born a year apart, is his good partner, who never hesitates to say “this suits you better” when choosing clothes. Now they are both training intensively for a TOEIC test. Their aim – “to become global people”.
【文: 高山淳 写真: 中村泰介】