2013.09.30 UP
介護の現場から vol.05
金山 峰之さん
NPO法人ホッとスペース中原 介護福祉士・社会福祉士
荻原 淳さん
NPO法人ホッとスペース中原 利用者

NPO法人ホッとスペース中原 /荻原さんは若年性のパーキンソン病
The activity of “Team Parkinson”, a group sharing this oppression
Mr. Ogiwara has a juvenile form of Parkinson’s disease, which once caused him to fall into the middle of the road at midnight in midwinter, unable to get up for hours and hauled into an ambulance. The activity of “Team Parkinson”, a group sharing this oppression, is thanks to the guiding “cane”-like support from Mr. Kanayama.
【文: 高山 淳 写真: 中村泰介】